Maintenance Service


Periodic maintenance to facades is important, both to prolong the life span of a building and to avoid consequential damage to it. In addition, periodic facade maintenance contributes to the continued attractiveness of a building. However, facade maintenance is to take place safely, by using reliable equipment, so as not to provide any risk to the users and owners of the building.

This knowledge and experience allow us to offer flexible service packages that meet varying needs of scope, schedule and finances.

AMC of Facade Access System
Comprehensive Maintenance

Our Comprehensive Maintenance package is designed to sustain the condition of the machinery throughout the course of its life. The comprehensive package covers the machinery for servicing, breakdown, and limited repairs under normal working conditions. This gives you the confidence to budget for machinery maintenance, as well as a scheduled management of the equipment.

Non-Comprehensive Maintenance

A preventative maintenance program allows us to protect machinery from unnecessary wear, damage or malfunction with regular maintenance.

Repairs and Remanufacturing

We’ve been experience engineer team in the façade access industry for over 12 years and have kept detailed records of almost all of the machines we’ve installed. This means we can use this information to replace or remanufacture worn or damaged machinery components.

Beyond our own products, it is not unusual for our mechanical, electrical and structural design teams to step in to find a solution to damaged equipment that was produced by now defunct manufacturers.

Modernisation Programmes

For older buildings, Maxs Climber can suggest the latest innovations to upgrade your building access solutions where existing machinery has become outdated. By evaluating your needs and the current condition of the equipment, our technical teams can suggest a range of alternatives that include modernisation or total replacement.

The team at Maxs Climber have the experience and expertise to repair, service and upgrade equipment both within and outside of our extensive portfolio.

Impromptu Service

Our Impromptu Service package provides one-off servicing, repairs or condition inspection reports on request. Typically, this service is suitable for equipment’s outside of our portfolio, where equipment can be disruptive and require specialised, short-term services.

Training of Facade Access Equipment

The training is provided by a qualified person who knows the specific BMU. Besides an explanation of the machine and its features, the users will also get a hands-on experience with the BMU.

Maxs Climber Training is leading the way in end user training for Façade Access Equipment providing measurable and comprehensive courses. We have established the training department to promote the safe use, management and understanding of this type of equipment. We provide the following training service.

  • Building Maintenance Unit
  • All types of Power Cradles
  • Suspended Platforms / Gondola
  • Aerial Work Platforms / Cherry Pickers
  • Scissor Platform
  • Vertical Platforms


The aim of this training is to provide guidance to the Duty Holder’s and highlight their responsibilities.  It should also help Duty Holders to understand better what is required of operators

  • Key Personnel
  • Health & Safety at Work.
  • Regulations & Standards
  • Duty Holder
  • Incident Pictures
  • Managing your BMU
  • Communication
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Pre-Checks
  • BMU Controls
  • Maintenance, Inspection, Testing & Thorough Examinations
  • Breakdowns / Malfunctions
  • Fault Finding
  • Accessing the BMU winch housing
  • Emergency Descent Procedure
  • Emergency Descent Reporting
  • Completion of Work
  • Signing out Procedure
  • Further information

Covering all aspects of responsibilities as the duty holder of the equipment in relation to current regulations and standards as well as covering all necessary processes and procedures when using the equipment.


The principal aim of this training is to provide guidance to operators of Facade Access Equipment (FAE) on how they can carry out their work in a safe, structured and orderly manner. Operator Training session will consist of the following topics:

  • Aims & Objectives
  • Regulations and Standards
  • Health and Safety
  • Duty Holders Responsibilities
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Reporting to site
  • Communications
  • Pre-Use Checks
  • BMU Controls
  • Safe use of Cradle
  • Rope Inspection
  • Breakdown / Malfunctions
  • Fault Finding
  • Emergencies
  • Completion of Work
  • Signing out Procedure
  • Further Information

An extension of duty holder responsibilities, the nominated person(s) will be given practical training on how to descend the equipment in an emergency as well as being given an overview of such a responsibility


Maxs Climber knowledgeable operators’ staff who are always here to give the best service and advice available. We are confident in provide operator service to any brand facade access equipment’s.

We provide flexible operator service for Monthly, Quarterly & Annually. To following equipment’s

  • Building Maintenance Unit / Roof Car
  • All types of Power Cradles
  • Temporary Suspended Platforms / Gondola
  • Aerial Work Platforms / Cherry Pickers
  • Scissor Lift
  • Vertical Platforms

A BMU is mostly customized according to the design of a structure or the demands of the client. Because of that, each BMU has its own features and associated user instructions. For example, users don’t know how to deploy and park the machine, how to work with the restraint system, how to switch gondolas and other features that a BMU can have. As well as the periodical and regular check need to be done every day by a qualified person who know the machine and therefore can easily identify possible problems and perform normal repairs at emergency situation.

Those who will requiring regular access will be:

Building owners

Building Maintenance Staff

Window/ Glass Cleaners

Façade Engineers

Glaziers/ Builders

Facade Access Equipments are high grade safety system. It has required safe operation. If happened one wrong operation, have to be faced an accident, cause damage the building facade and equipments. Hence required trained operator to run the machine every time.

“Don’t forgot to, operate the machine by one person all time”.

Facade Silicone service

In building and construction, silicone sealants, adhesives and coatings make construction materials work better and last longer. Silicone adhesives bond diverse materials such as concrete, glass, granite, steel and plastics. This enables innovative architecture and engineering, such as dramatic glass facades or curved and suspended structures. Sealants ensure materials stay affixed and absorb stress and movement from wind or earthquakes. Sealants and coatings also protect joints and materials from moisture, heat, corrosion, sunlight, ultraviolet radiation, pollution and other chemicals


Silicones help restore historical buildings and landmarks without compromising the appearance or integrity of the original material. Sealants and adhesives reinforce the natural strength and “weatherability” of the joints and structures. They add water repellence and “breathability” to natural materials such as porous sandstone and porous limestone. And, silicone coatings can be applied uniformly so they do not stain or streak.

External Signage/Signboard Solutions

Our experienced graphic design team specializes in the art of signage design, fabrication and construction.

Maxs Climber’s designers understand that the conditions of each site vary widely and therefore require specifically tailored planning. Typical blind mass-production sign companies frequently encounter significant problems when their signs are introduced to the unique conditions present on-site. Our designers’ up-front attention to the details of each site ultimately results in the elimination of costly re-work and ensures that our signs are made exactly to fit the needs of each location. This kind of individualized design and engineering guarantees that installation can be accomplished quickly and without error.

We focus on satisfying your needs with brilliant lighting techniques and layout, while also taking into account landlord and city requirements. We analyse city code, mall criteria, and other official stipulations to make sure you are getting the largest, most noticeable sign possible.

By using the vital information from site surveys, the designers use the latest techniques to superimpose your new sign onto photos of the existing building. This leaves the guesswork out of color and proportion. We present innovative solutions and options if we come across alternate layouts that may be valuable for you to consider.

Installation & Maintenance

We can install any sign, anywhere. with a team of trained installation experts and extensive network of installation and maintenance partners, Maxs Climber has the service expertise and logistics capabilities to meet your needs.

Whether you require sign washing, scheduled maintenance, or repairs, Maxs Climber representatives are rapidly deployed to get the job done right. Our service technicians perform services including: lamp and neon tube replacements, and repairs to ballasts, transformers, and frame and fascia material. Night inspections and emergency calls are also available to meet your needs. Because of our committed team efforts, Maxs Climber strives to ensure that our customers get a consistently high level of service at all times and at all locations.